Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Topic: face on the job on its usefulness

Job competition heats up in China today, to enhance competitiveness, many people began to rack their brains in appearance.

The current appearance of the pursuit of Chinese people has come to a fever pitch, the market appears many plastic surgery center is well illustrated.

涓婃捣鏃跺厜鏁村舰澶栫鍖婚櫌鐨勬柟璺冩槑鍗氬+璇达紝浠栨帴瑙︾殑瀹汉褰撲腑锛屽樊涓嶅涓ゆ垚閮芥槸鍗冲皢鎶曞叆鑱屽満鐨勫ぇ瀛︾敓锛屼粬浠帴鍙楃殑閮芥槸杈冨皬鍨嬫墜鏈紝渚嬪鍓插弻鐪肩毊锛岃劚鐥g瓑銆?Dr Fong said the students to plastic surgery, mostly related with the job. "Beautiful appearance will help build self-confidence, will certainly help in getting a job." He said.

In addition to other cosmetic surgery, many college students on "magic," according to rush your resume. The magical combination of art according to according to the characteristics and the passport photo, photo studio will provide clothing, make-up for students will also teach them to pose, and use some light means for students to present the best side. It is said that the northeast corner of a private studio Shanghai attracted many students, because students think they went for this studio can be more beautiful than real.

International human resources consultancy firm Hudson Global Resources, General Manager of China Pan Kam-yee, said her company has sent many students received the "magic" photos, these photos look very good, but a nice photo or attractive appearance can indeed bring more interview opportunities for students, particularly those dealing with the types of people, such as sales or front desk. However, she reminded readers that a number of over-modification of photos, but self-defeating. 鈥滃湪鐪嬭繃鐓х墖鍚庯紝鎴戜滑瑙佸埌涓?簺瀛︾敓鏈汉鏃朵細鏈変簺澶辨湜锛屾湁鐐硅娆洪獥鐨勬劅瑙夛紝瀵瑰鐢熺殑鍗拌薄涔熶笉浼氬お濂姐?鈥濇綐灏忓璇淬?

China HR Manager of Shanghai branch said Yang Zhaohui, Yimaoquren though not fair, but it is indeed the case, he said, cosmetic surgery, "magic" stuff is just an interview according to the ticket, the most important thing a person's ability to control. "Instead of spending so much time and money to beauty, it is better to increase awareness of the work and the company." Yang said.

But Pan Kam-yee to remind you, though not the most beautiful appearance important, but neat dress is essential, both boys and girls are so. She said some students are slovenly, oil the first dirt surface, clothing does not fit, even if their ability to better, opportunities and career development may be restricted, so the interview must be the principle of a clean and tidy.

鍦ㄤ竴浜涜タ鏂瑰浗瀹讹紝鍏徃瀵瑰琛ㄣ?骞撮緞鐢氳嚦鎬у埆鐨勬瑙嗕篃浼氬彈鍒版硶寰嬬殑鍒剁害锛屼紒涓氫篃涓嶄細鎵胯鑷繁瀹佹効鑱樿澶栬〃杈冭濂界殑浜猴紝鍥犱负鍏徃鐨勫舰璞′篃浼氫负涔嬪彈鎹熴?鍐典笖锛屽鐢熷湪鎶曢?绠?巻鏃讹紝娌℃湁闄勭収鐗囩殑瑕佹眰銆傚湪涓浗锛岀敱浜庡姵鍔ㄥ姏甯傚満浠嶆湭鎴愮啛锛屾墍浠ヤ細鍑虹幇璇稿闂銆?br />
涓浗涓?簺鐢ㄤ汉鍗曚綅鈥滃褰㈡?鐘垛?鐨勮姹傦紝鍦ㄤ竴瀹氱▼搴︿笂鎺ㄥ姩浜嗙ぞ浼氫笂鐨勨?缇庡鐑?銆?Some time ago, women in civil service hiring requirements in Hunan "symmetrical breasts", has caused controversy in the community.

Overall, the appearance of the first job may be looking for influence, but as a person experiences more and more, appearance is no longer so important. On the contrary, self-confidence are important at any time. And based on ability, not the appearance of self-confidence is the most long-lasting.


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